3.1 General
    The company with the name lollipop is responsible for the processing of the personal data of the visitor / registered user and controls the processing of his data on the electronic service pages of www.lolli-pop.gr.
    The purpose of this Policy is to inform about the way in which the personal data of the customers and the users of the Company’s website are collected, stored, used and possibly transmitted, the security measures taken by the Company for the protection of personal data, the reasons and the length of time they are stored, but also for the type of personal data collected. It concerns any operation or series of transactions carried out with or without the use of automated means, in personal data or in personal data sets, such as the collection, registration, organization, structure, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, search for information, use, disclosure, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.
    Personal data is any information that concerns a specific natural person or a person whose identity can be verified (eg name, address, telephone, email, etc.). The Company will not process your personal data without your consent. However, the Company reserves the right to process your personal data, to the extent permitted or required by law, and / or by a contract you have entered into with the company, and / or by court decisions or prosecutorial orders / orders.
    The Company unilaterally reserves the right to update, modify, add, change its services and this Policy, from time to time, whenever it deems necessary, without prior notice, always within the applicable legal framework and in accordance with any changes in current legislation on protection of personal data.
    The Company encourages any interested party to check this Policy at regular intervals in order to be informed of the changes that have taken place.

For the processing of its data as described below, the Company relies on the following legal bases:

• Execution of contract: In order for the visitor / registered user-customer to complete his orders at www.lolli-pop.gr it is necessary to process the personal data that he provides during his registration and the registration of his order in the registration form of the order and the recording of its transactions.
• Legal interests: The processing of personal data is necessary for the improvement of the Company’s services (processing of statistical and non-identifiable data), the detection of fraud attempts as well as for the safeguarding of the legal interests of the Company.
• Consent – consent: Registered users-customers are invited to give their explicit consent for the following processing purposes: sending informative / promotional messages, if they have not purchased a product from our Company.

3.2 Information, processing and processing purposes:

The Company informs the visitor / registered user and the visitor / registered user acknowledges that he is aware of the following:
a) Processing of Personal Data: The Company will process the personal data of the visitor / registered user-customer, as they are declared by him during the creation of his account and in his order in the data entry form, in order to complete his specific order through of our online store. Furthermore, if the visitor / registered user has given the relevant consent, the Company will be able to process his personal data for the sending of commercial informative and promotional messages.

b) Electronic Orders, Type of Personal Data and Processing Purposes:

b.1) Basic processing
The user / customer has the option to choose 2 ways in order to complete an online order and declare his personal data:

  1. As a visitor: In this case the personal data of the visitor / customer will be kept in the records of the Company until the completion and delivery of his specific order, with the exception of only the transaction data for tax purposes and their processing will concern exclusively and only the execution of the contract of sale.
  2. As a registered user of the online store: In this case the customer / user has created a user account in our online store and his personal data will be stored in the company files until he requests their deletion. The user / customer can change or correct his data at any time by logging in to the account

In order to carry out any transaction through the online store www.lolli-pop.gr of the Company and to place orders for the company’s products, the following are required:
• the full name
• the shipping address of the products
• the billing address of the order (in case it is different from the shipping address)
• the number of a contact telephone
• the email address (e-mail) of the customer

In case of request for delivery of products to a third party other than the visitor / registered user, the latter acknowledges that he will have the full responsibility for the information and full consent of the person designated as the recipient, for the disclosure of his personal data. to the company for the sole purpose of delivering to it, the relevant products and assumes full responsibility for any claims of this person against the Company.
Credit card details are not stored in the company’s storage media during the transaction but are registered directly in a secure environment of the partner company (National) that has undertaken the routing of the cards. By selecting “credit / debit card” you are automatically transferred to the site of the National Bank, where you fill in your details. Once the transaction is completed, you are immediately redirected to our site where you will be informed that your order has been successfully registered!
The purpose of the basic data processing is the execution of the contract and the completion of the specific order, the communication with the user-customer and the sending of informational messages regarding the stages of the processing of the order, the provision of clarifications related to the order and the information in general for purchases made, the delivery of the order at the place of choice of the customer, the confirmation and identification of the customer in any necessary case and the information about the existing stock at www.lolli-pop.gr.
The visitor / registered user is informed that the provision of the above mandatory personal data as well as the details of his transactions are necessary and constitute a prerequisite for the correct execution of the order contract and delivery of products and services. For this reason the consent of the user-client is not required for this specific processing.
Each user-customer who uses www.lolli-pop.gr is informed that his personal data concerning the receipt, execution and delivery of an order as well as questions regarding purchases, products and services of the Company and orders at www.lolli-pop .gr will be processed for the purpose of customer service both by the competent employees of the Company and by the third party recipients and / or those performing the processing on its behalf in the context of the execution of an order.
The Company requires its employees, the maintainers of its website, as well as its third party partners to take all necessary technical and organizational measures (including appropriate policies and procedures to prevent the disclosure of personal data of visitors / registered users- its customers who process and have and implement procedures for the management and processing of personal data in a lawful manner and protect them in accordance with the GCC.).

No other processing or transmission of user-customer data will be done by the Company and its online store www.lolli-pop.gr except for the processing under b.2 below for which the Company has received the prior consent of users- customers or if required by law or a competent supervisory or judicial authority.

b.2) Treatments that require consent
For sending to the registered user commercial informative and promotional messages from the Company and www.lolli-pop.gr. the registered user / customer must have previously given his explicit consent, since he has not made any product purchase from our Company.
The purpose for this processing of the data of the registered user – customer is the sending of commercial promotional messages of the Company and / or its third partners to the registered user, the provision of any special offers and discounts of www.lolli-pop.gr the availability of new or alternative products, the communication of publications of www.lolli-pop.gr
You have the opportunity to revoke this consent at any time and not to receive such communications from www.lolli-pop.gr by sending your request via e-mail to evisp27@gmail.com.gr or follow the deletion instructions ( unsubscribe) are routed to the end of each email you receive from us.

c) Data Recipients: For the data that is necessary for the service of each of the above processing purposes and within the responsibilities of each recipient, the recipients of the data of the registered user-client are or may be:
i. The competent employees of the Company
ii. The tax authorities and the banking authorities in case of relevant control
iii. The companies with the name ACS courier and ELTA courier which provide transport services and process the data of the registered users-customers as performing the processing on behalf of the Company, according to the instructions and orders of the Company or any other company providing in the future to Company the same services in replacement or in cooperation of the above companies.

The visitor / registered user-client is informed that his personal data may be processed by the Company even without his consent in case of fulfillment of its obligations under Law, such as when the relevant data is requested by the tax and banking authorities in the context of audits. or the competent supervisory and judicial authorities.

d) Rights of a data subject: Every registered user-client, as a data subject, can exercise his rights at any time, as they are provided in the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection 679/2016 Ε.Ε. and in particular Articles 12 to 23 thereof and national law and in particular:
i. the right to information and access to data processed by the Company,
(ii) the right to restrict the processing of its data;
iii) the right to correct or delete part or all (right to be forgotten) of his personal data;
(iv) the right to object, ie to object to the processing of his personal data; and
v) the right to the portability of its data.

The exercise of the above rights the member can do:

• by submitting a relevant request to the email address evisp27@gmail.com


For the right of access and correction / completion of personal data, the company provides the opportunity to registered users-customers of www.lolli-pop.gr to view, correct / fill in their personal data through their personal account at www.lolli -pop.gr in the “member login” field.

For the right of portability of personal data, the company provides the possibility to the registered users-clients to receive their personal data and / or to transfer them to another controller, by submitting an application to the e-mail address.

Each registered user-client is informed that he has the right to withdraw his consent for any processing of his data has given his consent to lolli-pop.gr from his personal account at lolli-pop.gr by clicking on the field “member login” or by sending an e-mail to evisp27@gmail.com.

In case of exercise of one of the above mentioned rights of the registered user-customer, the Company will take every possible measure to satisfy the request within (1) one month from its submission. In this case, the registered user-client is informed that the minimum necessary from his personal data will be maintained, in order to safeguard the legal interests of the company.

e) Retention Time of Personal Data: Your personal data is kept for as long as required by the nature of the service provided by the Company and the contract between us, which you have chosen and additionally, for as long as the relevant Legislation determines.
The Company does not keep your data for a period longer than what is necessary for the fulfillment of each purpose for which they are processed. In order to determine the appropriate retention period, the Company takes into account the quantity, nature and sensitivity of personal data, the purposes for which it processes them and the ability to achieve these purposes by other means.
The Company also takes into account the periods for which it may be necessary to maintain personal data in order to fulfill its legal obligations (eg in relation to tax audits) or to respond to complaints / questions and to protect our legal rights in case of exercising a claim (eg 20-year duration based on 249 in conjunction with 904 et seq. of the Civil Code).
When we no longer need or no longer have a legal reason to keep them, your personal data is safely deleted or destroyed.
The Company also takes into account whether and how it can minimize over time the personal data it uses, as well as whether it can keep it anonymous or pseudonymous, so that they can no longer be associated with you or identify you.

In this case, the Company may use them without further notice.
In the case of the registered user, the Company maintains and processes its data, until the registered user requests the deletion of his account or, for any processing of his data based on his consent, until he declares the withdrawal of his consent for the purposes of providing the services of the Company. Nevertheless, some necessary personal data concerning its transaction relations with the Company as well as the information, consent and withdrawal of the member’s consent for the processing of his data will remain as information for the registered user-client to ensure the proof of its legitimacy. processing of its data by the Company and the safeguarding of the legal claims of the parties.

f) Special Category Data: The member is informed that the Company does not collect or require the disclosure of sensitive personal data (special category data) for the needs of www.lolli-pop.gr

For the exercise of his rights the member can address the Company “SPANOU EVRIDIKI” and the distinctive title “PAIDODROMOS” (address: EVANGELISTRIAS 16 PC 51100 – GREVENA, email: evisp27@gmail.com and the telephone line 246).
In any case, every user-client, as a subject of personal data, and if he does not consider that he is satisfied with his answer has the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority (Personal Data Protection Authority) or to appeal to the competent Courts of Corinth. The address of the Personal Data Protection Authority is 1-3 Kifissias, the website of www.dpa.gr and the contact phone is 210 6475000 and fax 210 6475628

The Company declares that no other use of the personal data of the visitor / registered user will be made for purposes other than those mentioned in this policy without prior notice and, where required, his consent.

We use cookies on our site.
The Company adheres to a strict policy for the protection of the privacy of the visitors of the website www.lolli-pop.gr. With this note we provide you with more information on how we use “cookies” as well as other automated means in order to collect specific information about the visitors of our website, such as the number of visitors to our website, through any browser and device used . By gathering this information, we learn how to better tailor our website and our advertising to visitors.

Cookies and other Automated Means for Data Collection
Cookies are small text files that are stored on each of your devices using any browser, whenever you visit a website. We can use cookies to inform us for example, if you have visited our website in the past or if you are a new visitor as well as to help us identify features of our website, which you may be more interested in. Cookies can enhance your online experience by storing your preferences as you visit a specific website.

IP addresses and URLs
An IP address is a unique identifier used by certain electronic devices to locate and communicate with each other over the Internet. When you visit our websites, we can see the IP address of the device you used to connect to the Internet. We use this information in order to determine the general geographical location of the device and to understand from which geographical areas the visitors of our website come. We may use this information to change the way our website is presented in order to improve your visit.
The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique locator or address for each media on the web and is essentially the address of the website you are visiting. We will use this information to see which websites have traffic as well as the way you navigate our website.

Which Cookies do we use?
On our website we use the following cookies:

Absolutely necessary cookies
The absolutely necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website, they allow you to browse and use its functions, such as access to safe areas, registration forms, favorites list, use of the shopping cart and for security reasons. These cookies do not recognize your personal identity. Without these cookies, we can not offer effective operation of our website.

Performance and analysis cookies
These cookies collect information about how visitors use the site, which pages they visit most often, and whether they receive error messages from web pages. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous information that does not identify a visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website and allow us to collect information about the use you make of our websites, including the content you select when you browse our websites, in order to measure the effectiveness and interaction of consumers with website as well as improve our pages over time. These cookies may be provided to us by third party providers of analytical tools but are used only for the purposes related to our websites.
eg: https: //developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs …

How can you Disable the Use of Cookies?

In case you wish to enable or disable the use of cookies from the settings of your browser, depending on your browser visit the following websites, to be informed about the necessary relevant actions.

Internet Explorer http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835
Firefox http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored
Chrome http://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en
Opera http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/security/privacy/
Safari http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042
Safari for iPad and iPhone http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677

What about links (“hyperlinks”) to other websites?

The Company Website may contain links through hyperlinks to other websites, for the content and services of which the Company is not responsible, nor does it guarantee their permanent and secure accessibility. The Company in no case should be considered to accept or adopt the content or services of the hyperlink websites or to link to them in any way. For any problem that arises during the use of the above websites is the sole responsibility of the respective beneficiary of this website. In the case of hyperlinks to other websites, the Company is not responsible for the terms of management and protection of personal data that they follow.
We use social media to present the Company’s work, products and services through widely used and modern channels. The use of social media by the Company is specifically highlighted on our Website. For example, you can watch informative videos, which we post on our personal YouTube page, and follow (from our Website) our links on Instagram, Facebook, Twittwer and LinkedIn.
The Company strongly urges users to consult the respective policies of every third party (eg search engine companies, social media companies such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.) in order to be informed of the practices they follow in order to protect their personal data.

The Company Website may contain material display with advertising / informative content, purpose and character. The Company bears no responsibility to the visitor / user, as well as any third parties, for any illegal act or omission, inaccuracy or inability to comply with the laws and regulations of any country or the European Union in relation to the content of these updates. The Company is not obliged to examine and does not examine the legality or not of the information material displayed on the above website and therefore no liability can be attributed to it. This responsibility lies with the advertisers, sponsors or creators of the promotional material.

More specifically: Additional applications

Social plugins

i) Facebook & Instagram
Our website uses additional ‘social plugins’ of the social networking site facebook.com and Instagram.com, operated by Facebook SA, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”) . The plugins are identified by the Facebook logos (a white “f” on a blue background or the “thumbs-up” icon), or by the phrase “Facebook social plug-in” and Instagram, respectively.
If you come across a page on our website where we have a plugin embedded, the browser will contact the Facebook server to load the plugin and view it. During this process, Facebook receives information about your visit to our website, such as your IP address. When the plugin loads, Facebook integrates its content into our website. For this reason we do not know how much data Facebook or Instagram can collect using these plugins.
Information related to this issue is subject to the protection policy of Facebook and Instagram respectively. If you are logged in to Facebook from your personal account at the time you visit our website, Facebook may link your visit to your Facebook account. In addition, if you engage in plugins, for example by clicking the ‘Like’ button or adding a comment through your Facebook account, the information you provide in this way is sent directly to Facebook and stored there. If you do not have a Facebook account, it is possible that your IP address will be recognized and saved by Facebook if you click on its plugins.

You can find out more about how much and what data Facebook or Instagram collects, how it processes and uses it, what your rights are to the data you provide, and information about the settings you can modify to protect your privacy by switching to Facebook’s data usage policy and Instagram’s Data Policy. If you have a Facebook or Instagram account but do not want Facebook or Instagram to collect information about your visit, you should log out of your Facebook or Instagram account before visiting our website. You can also use additional applications in your browser to prevent the display of these plugins from our website.